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We have some exciting news to share with you about DiGiovanni and Associates!
After diligently searching for another locally owned CPA firm to grow and merge with, we have succeeded. Although our name will change, our location, phone numbers, staff and billing rates will not.
Effective November 1, 2015, our letterhead and signage will say “Duplantier, Hrapmann, Hogan & Maher, LLP”. I worked for this firm for the first 15 years of my career and I am very pleased to be working with them again. I know this will be best for our clients and our firm.
So why merge? A big reason is that there are more resources for all of us. We will now be able to offer Audits, Reviews, Business Valuations, Estate Tax Planning and more. In addition, this change will mitigate the difficulties of implementing the ever changing tax laws and staffing challenges during tax season.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve you, we look forward to continuing our relationship in the future.
Joe DiGiovanni, CPA